From the time I was small, I’ve been holding space for my loved ones.
As a young adult, I grieved this loss of innocence I experienced, and the responsibilities I took on as a child. But now I can see that this has always been my path: to be with others as they express their fullest emotions, to witness them as they move through their traumas and to encourage them to trust their own alchemy as they transmute those challenges into golden threads of life, growth and change.
After attending massage school in my late 20s, my fascination with the human body was at an all-time high, but I still felt as though I was missing something. In my personal life, I struggled to feel safe with stability, though consciously desiring it, and I knew there was a deep pattern that needed to change.Â

 Around that time, I opened my mailbox to find a brochure for Myofascial Release (MFR) trainings with John F. Barnes. I felt an immediate intuitive hit and sought out an MFR practitioner. Within the first few minutes of my session, I could feel years-old emotion pouring out of me. As my fascia released, I knew that this was work I was meant to be doing in the world.
I’ve spent over a decade now studying Myofascial Release, working directly with John F. Barnes in his clinics in Sedona and Pennsylvania and taking almost every MFR class offered. Myofascial Release remains the primary modality of my in-person work. To learn more about MFR click here.Â
Since then I have brought in other modalities as well, such as HeartHealing™, Holistic Pelvic Care™, Integrated Positional Therapy, Visionary Craniosacral Therapy and Arvigo Mayan Abdominal Massage. You can learn more here about the mentors from whom I’ve learned.
My Intention for my work
Finding balance and harmony is who I am, and carries into my work. In the physical body, I bring awareness to patterns of imbalance, with particular focus on the pelvic bowl. For even deeper transformation, I work with HeartHealingTM to heal the universal core wounds of the heart. Witnessing deep transformation and emotional release in my clients is a blessing for which I am forever grateful.
My mission is to help women transmute their traumas and learn to trust their own alchemy–to take back their power and live the life of their wildest dreams, in alignment physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Who I am now
I am a healer, mother and poet. I live in Vermont with my farmer herbalist husband and my two kids. Our life is full of nature, homegrown food and medicine, and deep gratitude for the mysteries of life. We live in a magical community where neighbors help neighbors and traditional skills are kept alive through the generations. Truly, a village of self-sufficiency and support.
In the fall, you’ll find us harvesting wild apples and the grapes that were planted by my husband’s great-great grandparents. In winter, we build faerie houses in our woods and cross-country ski on sunny snowy days. In the spring, we sow seeds and watch as our perennial and native plant friends come alive all around us. And in the summer, we dip regularly in a crystal clear mountain lake and lounge by our sacred brook. All year round, we eat delicious food from our land, play music together and make art.
Together, my husband and I are working towards leading retreats on our land that incorporate my passion for healing and self-treatment and his skills as an herbalist, farmer, hunter, medicine maker, fermenter, sourdough baker and so much more.Â
Besides my family, what brings me the most joy is being at the ocean, writing a poem or sitting with our poppies in full bloom.Â

Featured Talks
Learn more about me and my work through these conversations.Â